Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Arlington Heights, IL 
As an Arlington Heights, IL workers’ compensation lawyer is well aware, so many people suffer from workplace injuries each year. And many workers are wrongfully denied fair compensation because their employers are more worried about their own pocketbook and not the well-being of their employees. But you can trust that at Therman Law Offices, LTD, we have worker’s rights at the forefront of our minds. We have likely represented someone just like you who was hurt at work, feels like the compensation is not fair, or endured retaliation for either reporting a workplace accident or utilizing their workers’ compensation benefits. If this sounds like something you are going through or someone you know has been treated wrongfully, then now is a time to get help. We are ready to intervene and assist you to make things right.
Under both federal and state law, employees have certain rights. If you or someone you know has had their rights violated, you do have the option to report it and take part in an investigation for these infringements. There is one particular situation that many people may need help from a lawyer for, and that is when they observe their employer retaliating against them for either being injured on the job or using their workers’ compensation benefits. There are multiple signs that retaliation may be occuring, such as if you were suddenly changed to a different department that’s less desirable, your hours were cut or schedule changed, you have been left out of training and meetings, or other negative and surprising actions. It could even be that your coworkers are even treating you with a cold shoulder because you reported an accident and now your employer is unhappy with you. If it seems like you are about to be fired, or already were let go, then we urge you to get help immediately so that at least we can let you know if there are actions you can take to have a sense of justice in the wrong you endured by your employer.
Most people want to hope that if they were to get injured at work, that their employer is going to have their back. But as an Arlington Heights workers’ compensation lawyer has seen, there are so many times that employers could have done the right thing and respected worker’s rights, but then did the exact opposite in the name of profit. Keep in mind that your employer may have repercussions from their insurance company for you reporting an injury accident. A Arlington Heights workers’ compensation lawyer firmly believes that employers should just do the right thing all the time, and then they wouldn’t need to be held accountable for the retaliatory behaviors or other unfair actions that they took. You are the injured one, and that means that you need protection and coverage for injury care, even when you don’t feel that from your own employer. If you are ready for our assistance at Therman Law Offices, LTD, we’re ready to help.