workers compensation lawyer Schaumburg, IL

Do’s and Don’ts of Workers Compensation

The Do’s and Don’ts of Filing for Workers Compensation

If you get injured in an accident at work, you may be entitled to workers compensation. Many companies will work with you to ensure you are compensated for medical expenses and lost wages associated with your recovery from your injury. However, some businesses balk at covering injuries caused by workplace accidents. You may need to hire our Schaumburg, IL workers compensation lawyer, to ensure you get the settlement you deserve. Here are the do’s and don’ts of filing for workers compensation.

  • Do Consent to a Drug Test

If you are going to receive workers compensation, you must prove that the accident that caused her injury was not your fault. One of the ways you can do this is by taking a drug test. Many companies require injured employees to take a drug test to prove that they were not under the influence of illegal substances at the time of the accident. If you refuse the drug test, it may have a negative impact on your lawsuit. The Therman Law Offices, LTD can advise you on why you should consent to drug testing.

  • Do Visit an Approved Doctor

It’s natural to want to visit your regular doctor when you were injured, but most companies partner with approved clinics for workers compensation. If you want to be compensated for the medical expenses associated with the accident, you have to visit a doctor that is approved by your company. In some cases, you may be able to visit your regular doctor after the initial incident to get a second opinion.

  • Do Speak With Your Supervisor

It’s important to be honest with your supervisor regarding the accident. If you try to hide an accident, you will not be awarded workers compensation. Make sure you speak with your supervisor and explain all the details that led up to the incident.

  • Don’t Talk About the Incident With Coworkers

As with any other type of lawsuit, it is never a good idea to discuss details of your case with anyone other than your attorney. The attorneys at the Therman Law Offices, Ltd may advise you to keep details of the accident to yourself. Avoid posing on social media or talking about the accident with your coworkers until your case has been resolved.

Different Categories of Workers’ Compensation Benefits

If you follow the above do’s and don’ts regarding workers’ compensation claims, you may find yourself eligible for compensation. Understanding the different types of compensation that you are eligible for can help you maximize your recover after an accident.

  • Medical Treatment

Workers who experience job-related injuries should seek medical care as quickly as possible. A doctor may recommend a specific treatment plan that an insurance policy’s medical team must approve. Once that happens, workers’ compensation insurance covers the cost of treatment, which may include surgery, physical or occupational therapy, prescription medications, chiropractic treatment, assistive devices, travel to and from therapy appointments, and more.

If a policy denies the treatment recommendation of an injured workers’ physician, the worker may file an appeal within the policy’s specified period. Once medical treatment is approved, workers’ compensation also covers the worker’s health insurance deductibles and copays.

  • Lost Wages

Work-related injuries can lead to short or long-term disability and may include broken bones lacerations, sprains and strains, slipped discs, contusions, concussions, paralysis, and more.

When injuries prevent workers from performing their jobs, workers’ compensation insurance can cover their wages. Workers with temporary disabilities are usually entitled to receive a percentage of their average salary for a specific number of weeks, depending upon the state in which they live. 

Workers who experience permanent work restrictions must meet the American Medical Association’s permanent disability criteria and may expect their benefits to last longer. Workers who experience catastrophic injuries that prevent them from ever returning to work frequently receive lost wages benefits for the remainder of their lives. 

  • Vocational Rehabilitation and Training

Workers who experience job-related injuries that lead to a permanent partial disability may not be able to perform their pre-injury jobs or obtain different jobs that match their physical abilities from their current employers. Workers’ compensation insurance can help injured workers develop new skill sets by paying for vocational training and certification to qualify for jobs with different employers. 

  • Survivor’s Benefits

When an injury results in a worker’s death, workers’ compensation benefits pay for the deceased worker’s medical, funeral and burial expenses. Benefits also pay a percentage of a worker’s salary to a spouse, minor children or dependents. Some states place a cap on the number of years survivors may receive death benefits, whereas others may apply a lifetime monetary cap.

Contact Our Schaumburg Workers Compensation Lawyer Today

If your company is balking at providing you compensation for a workplace accident it may be time to hire a workers compensation lawyer in Schaumburg, IL. A reputable lawyer can help you win the compensation you deserve. Contact our team at Therman Law Offices, LTD today.

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