Hearing Loss
Workers’ Compensation Attorneys for Employees in Schaumburg and Wheaton
After suffering hearing loss that was caused or aggravated at your workplace, you have the right to seek workers’ compensation benefits for your injury according to Illinois law. At Therman Law Offices, we understand the physical and emotional distress caused by your loss, and are here to help you assert your legal rights. Medical benefits and disability payments available through workers’ compensation laws can help to ease financial anxiety following a workplace injury that prevents you from returning to work so that you can focus on healing. Our experienced Wheaton and Schaumburg workers’ compensation lawyers strive to maximize the benefits and disability payments to which our clients may be legally entitled.
Seeking Illinois Workers’ Compensation for Hearing Loss
Workers in a range of occupations can suffer hearing loss, including those engaged in manufacturing as well as carpentry, agriculture, utilities, and mechanics. Hearing loss may also be called occupational deafness, and is measured by decibels that indicate the loss of hearing sensation in three different frequencies. Gradual hearing loss, or a hearing disability, may result when workers are exposed to high levels of noise over an extended period of time. Packaging machinery and food industry workers may be susceptible to this kind of physical injury. For some workers, a workplace accident such as a vehicle collision can lead to more sudden hearing loss.
The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act (IWCA) includes laws that provide coverage for medically necessary care as well as disability payments for time away from work. Disability benefits depend upon the extent of an employee’s hearing loss and its impact upon their ability to work. Only a specific loss of hearing within a set range will entitle the worker to compensation under the Act. Medical testing is required in order to determine whether hearing loss has occurred in particular frequencies.
In order to receive workers’ compensation for workplace-induced hearing loss, the injured employee must demonstrate that their injury was suffered in the course and scope of employment. Often, this will include showing exposure to a specific noise level for a period of time. As a no-fault system, workers’ compensation does not require that the employee prove fault for the accident or condition. Instead, eligibility for benefits depends upon meeting required deadlines and setting forth documentation, including medical records that show the injury was caused or exacerbated at work.
Benefits Available to Workers Suffering Hearing Loss
After enduring a workplace accident or conditions that led to hearing loss, injured employees may file a claim under the IWCA for their medical bills and some of their lost wages. An experienced job injury lawyer can help you set forth a claim that reflects your health status and need for disability benefits.
Hearing loss is designated within the IWCA and calculated according to the percent of hearing loss suffered. Some employees may be capable of returning to work while they heal from their injuries, while others may suffer permanent loss. For example, an employee capable of part-time, light-duty work may receive temporary partial disability benefits. These would remain in place until they return to their regular job or reach maximum medical improvement as determined by a professional. An employee that cannot work for a specified period of time due to their hearing loss may be entitled to temporary total disability benefits. These benefits are also appropriate for employees that are unable to work because their required accommodations cannot be met.
Schaumburg and Wheaton Lawyers for Workers’ Compensation Claims
At Therman Law Offices, we understand the impact that work injuries can have upon your quality of life, and our commitment to clients is to work to pursue the medical treatment and care they are entitled to by law. If you have been subject to a level of noise over time that you believe has contributed to your hearing loss, or if you were involved in a workplace accident, you may have a compensable claim. Our Wheaton and Schaumburg attorneys help people with workers’ compensation claims and appeals in areas including Edison Park, Norwood Park, Harwood Heights, Elmwood Park, Park Ridge, Norridge, Des Plaines, Rosemont, Mt. Prospect, Elk Grove Village, and Arlington Heights. To begin the process of understanding your rights, call our office at 312-588-1900 or contact us online.
Chicago 773-839-8944
Wheaton & Schaumburg 773-839-8944