Hit and Run Bicycle Accidents
Bicycles can provide a great form of transportation as well as exercise. Hopefully, you never have to deal with a hit and run bicycle accident, but the sad reality is that it does happen. If this type of collision has affected you or someone close to you, it is important to reach out to a seasoned Wheaton and Schaumburg bicycle accident lawyer as soon as possible. At Therman Law Offices, we have successfully represented many bicycle accident victims across Illinois, and are available to assess whether you may have a claim for damages after your injuries.
Hit and Run Bicycle Accident Statistics
While there is no specific data for bicycle hit and run accidents for the state of Illinois, the Fatality Analysis Reporting System found that 1 out of 5 fatal pedestrian accidents are hit and runs. This shockingly high number suggests that the number of bicycle hit and runs are higher than what we may expect as well, especially in Illinois, which had the fifth highest number of bicycle fatalities in the nation in 2012. In Chicago, hit and run bicycle accidents are a big concern as well, and data has been collected on this issue. According to the City of Chicago’s 2012 Bicycle Crash Analysis, on average there was at least one bicycle crash per day involving a hit and run motorist that year.
Compensation if Driver is Never Found
After a hit and run bicycle accident, you should immediately file a police report so they can help find the culprit. While it harder to get away with a hit and run accident nowadays thanks to technology and cameras being nearly everywhere, there is always the possibility that the fleeing driver will never be found.
In the event that the police cannot identify and/or locate the driver, you may still be able to recover compensation for your harm by filing a claim with your own insurance company. Most Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage will cover a hit and run accident (so long as it was the driver’s fault) even if it involved a bicycle and not a car. You may think if you are dealing with your insurance company, you do not need an attorney but this is simply not true. Insurance companies are in the business of making money and sometimes unfairly deny claims. We will evaluate your case and fight to help you receive full and fair compensation in your case.
Compensation if Driver is Found
If a driver is located, they will face criminal charges for fleeing the scene of the accident, which is illegal in Illinois irrespective of who is at fault for the accident. You, however, can obtain damages from the driver by filing a personal injury claim in civil court, and an experienced bike accident lawyer can help. In the vast majority of cases, personal injuries are rooted in the legal theory of negligence. Negligence occurs when a person fails to adhere to the appropriate duty of care, thereby causing injury or harm to another. The appropriate duty of care refers to the level of care that a reasonably prudent person would have used in the same or a similar situation. It is important to note that negligence can take place when a person fails to act when he or she has a duty to do so. Hence, in a hit and run accident, the fleeing driver can be found negligent for leaving the scene of an accident when or she had a duty to stay there.
Bicycle Accident Lawyers Serving Wheaton and Schaumburg
If you or someone in your family experiences the unfortunate event of being involved in a hit and run bicycle accident, reach out to a seasoned Wheaton and Schaumburg injury attorney who can help you secure the compensation you are entitled to. At Therman Law Offices, we can effectively handle your legal claim so you can focus on recovering from your injuries. Please note that we represent clients from Schaumburg and Wheaton as well as communities including Arlington Heights, Hoffman Estates, Streamwood, Elgin, Bartlett, Hanover Park, Bensenville, Wood Dale, Bloomingdale and Roselle. For more information about your case, call us at 312-588-1900 or contact us online.
Chicago 773-839-8944
Wheaton & Schaumburg 773-839-8944