Machine Operator Accidents

Work Injury Attorneys for Clients in Wheaton and Schaumbur


Machine operators face challenging work conditions continually, as they rely on the use of equipment day after day. Dangers presented to workers operating machines exist in a range of industries, including manufacturing, construction, and transportation. Even when workers are following safety precautions, a machine may not work as it should, or it can suffer from a defect. Illinois law provides benefits to those employees hurt in the course and scope of employment. The purpose of these laws is to make the worker whole again after suffering a loss. At Therman Law Offices, our Wheaton and Schaumburg workers’ compensation lawyers help injured employees and their families pursue the benefits to which they are legally entitled.


Illinois Workers’ Compensation Laws for Injured Employees




Chicago 773-839-8944
Wheaton & Schaumburg 847-744-8400

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