Car Accident Lawyer Wheaton, IL

Your first thought after a car accident may not be to contact a lawyer, however, it should be. The reason for this is because so many victims of car accidents end up accepting low settlement offers and have to pay out of pocket for related expenses months or even years after the incident. By having our Wheaton, IL car accident lawyer oversee your case, it ensures that you are getting the most repayment possible for what someone else caused to happen. You can handle your case by yourself, but most people do not realize how much they are actually owed. Insurance companies and opposing parties are likely to try to minimize how much you are given because they want to save money on their end. Please do not let this happen to you. Before accepting any settlement offer, consult with our team at Therman Law Office, LTD first. We can watch out for your best interests when others may not be.

Insurance Adjusters

Insurance adjusters are people who represent insurance companies. Keep in mind that all insurance companies want to save money. This means they are going to attempt to reduce or deny your claim to the fullest extent possible. Rarely does an insurance company provide victims with the financial recovery they need to overcome the accident. This is why you need our team on your side to protect you from being taken advantage of at this time. Insurance adjusters may ask how you are feeling and if you sustained any injury. It is best to keep your comments about your health vague and unsure until you have gotten a medical examination, diagnosis, and treatment plan. They may also ask you to provide a recorded statement about what happened. We urge you to not do this, as your words may be used against your claim. Insurance adjusters have the information they need regarding the accident already, but it is their intent to get you to make statements that can be used to reduce or reject your claim altogether. As our dedicated car accident attorney explains, be wary when speaking with these representatives and know that no matter how friendly they may seem, they are not on your side.

Therman Law Offices, LTD

In the aftermath of a car crash, insurance companies are not going to have your best of interest in mind. Despite supposedly being there when their claimants need them the most, insurance companies are still for profit and want to save as much money as possible. They may not put your wellbeing and financial loss as the priority, when they should be. But you can trust our IL car accident attorney to advocate for you. You deserve fair compensation for your injuries, damages, and monetary losses. Our team at Therman Law Offices, LTD can get started working for you right away. We know that you may have questions and concerns about what to do. Let us guide the path by reaching out for a consultation at your earliest convenience. We are prepared to offer help today.

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